This volume 37 installment concludes the big run of songs I put together earlier this spring. At this point in the long, long playlist I was really just cleaning house and throwing everything I had wanted to get out into this last chunk. It was more or less clearing the decks to start setting tracks aside for new mixes. I was also thinking ahead that I new I wanted to get this all out of my system so that I could start thinking about Halloween, which I knew was going to be a big undertaking this year. Stay tuned for this year's mix. It is going to be a new approach, one that did take a lot more work than usual to put together this year. That will be coming very soon.
This playlist runs about an hour and thirty-seven minutes.
m4a Files:
Download here: Hold Music Volume 37 (Broken into 28 tracks)
Entire Mix in one MP3 track: Hold Music Volume 37
Password - SAPMUSIC2022