Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Go-Nuts - The Donut Prince And The Pauper 7"

The cover alone was worth the couple bucks I spend on this one. What the hell. Really. What the hell is that all about. This however isn't a blog about record covers. This is about sharing music. So what's the music like. Well its just goofy. My favourite song it th "Go-Nuts Theme". This sounds like these guys were pitching a kids cartoon to cartoon network and wrote this song to go with it. It's catchy and TV friendly. It even sounds like a retro TV show theme from the 70's. I don't know exactly what it is, but the song and the whole concept of the band brings The Banana Splits to mind. I'm not saying the song sounds like the Banana Splits theme, but maybe it is just the concept of a them song for cartoon like characters.
Anyways the other funny part of this band is the claim that they are "The World's Greatest snack rock superhero and gorilla entertainment revue!!!" And yes that is 3 exclamation points. I give them props for even coming up with that claim. I give them props for coining the term "snack rock". I don't know where they came from and I don't know where they went, but I'm glad the Go-Nuts left us with this little gem from the 90's, the decade of geek rock. It doesn't get much geekier than these guys.

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